Structured Products

Income Growth Protection

Structured Products provide investors with a unique opportunity to define and target a specific return and risk profile.

They have emerged as a prominent portfolio asset class in recent years – serving as a natural complement to equity allocations.

Our structured product and deposit solutions combine best in class idea generation with a robust technology backed infrastructure. Since inception, we have served as a solutions based resource for advisors and professional investors around the world. We provide our clients with access to a wide range of counter parties as well as competitive pricing and lifecycle management.

Current Offerings

See what products we have on offer and download further information.

Download our latest list of Structured investment and deposits available for investing in the UK.

For information structured products available outside of UK, please email us.

The Portal

The centrepiece of the Causeway solution is the Portal. The Portal takes an innovative approach to product lifecycle management – providing advisors with full reporting and monitoring capabilities.


A unique Portal profile enables full integration of product allocations serving as a primary resource and interface.


The Portal enables confident and focused look-through analysis of allocations throughout the product lifecycle.


Real time reporting of performance and trigger events.

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